We are following the North Sea Cycle Route. At the same time we are raising money for the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Assocation. If you would like to donate please visit our fundraising page

Saturday, May 21, 2011

written a few days ago

Because we only get to internet from time to time, stuff written in the meantime ends up going on out of order. But here is something written a few days ago:

Writing this in the morning of Tuesday 17 May. As with previous stuff written in advance, not sure about the order of everything, but hopefully it all comes out OK.

We are now on a boat from Cuxhaven to Brunsbuttel, across the Elbe. Don't have access to blogspot right now and can't remember when we last updated, but that was probably in Wilhelmshaiven. After that, we cycled round the Jadebuson (see map; not provided) and missed out a Northern blip in the North Sea official route to Nordenham, on the river Weser. Crossed the Weser on a windy ferry the next day (Sunday) to Bremerhaven, where we got lost but found our ro0ute to Cuxhaven. Going North against a strong NW wind, but did get there in the end. The a misunderstanding. I have previously misread a map that the ferry across the Elbe was on Sat and Sun, so we rushed to the port and failed to find either the ferry or the quay it goes from. We did find the old buildings where originally the emigrants to America were processed and boarded ships. Wind-swept and desolate, yet there must be strong memories from that time. Found campsite and fo0und that boat runs Tues and Thurs. Decided on a day off, as we needed a bit of rest. Spent much of it just sitting, and K caught up with much other work in an expansive internet caff, While T went off in search of maps for the next bit (successful). So, here we are on Tuesday on the boat.

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