We are following the North Sea Cycle Route. At the same time we are raising money for the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Assocation. If you would like to donate please visit our fundraising page

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

some more phtos from Germany

These photos are a somewehat random selection.  We really must try to make a photo album, but have a teechnical problem in that we do really know how!

Anyway, we were struck by the sort of beach chairs they use, like this

Which on a wind-swept beach have their appeal.  This photo was taken early in the mmorning, when we went to the island of Northenay, and the functionary who come to take money off you was not yet there.

Ones sees less advertising than we are used to, but this one did strike us

Signposting in Germany is pretty gopod and thorough, though occasional onme is faced with this sort of thing

This was, however, a motorists sign.  Cyclist signs are usually "finger" type, and I do not have a photo of one of these.  But when thsy had the North Sea cycle route logo on them we were reassured

There was, howver, a tendency to give rather non-specific reminders one is on the right route; there seems to be an assumtpion that you kn ow where you are going anyway.

We did see some neolithic signposts; are they really a work of art?

As one cycles on (and on!)

One does see lots of things.  Here are some birds nesting on the side of dyke

 And here is a thatched houde.  We saw a lot of these; thatch seems popular

Interesting thinsg in towns as well.  This was in a pharmacy in Husum

A greeting we often heard and came to use ourselves is "moin".  As in this decoration at the entry to a campsite

We left Germany through this place, on the border

more to come

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