We are following the North Sea Cycle Route. At the same time we are raising money for the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Assocation. If you would like to donate please visit our fundraising page

Friday, May 27, 2011

Danish pastries located, but wind still a problem

After camping in Hvine Sande, a windy wet night and a wet tent the next day (ie today), went for cofee in a cafe in town.  And there they were, with a whole lot of different names, and not entirely the same as what you get in England, but definitely the real McCoy and delicious. After that, on.  Over the dunes (yes, dunes again) on a rough track to the next place, where we had to turn left on to the cycle track by a main road and turn left 1 km later.  On this road the wind was behind us and we got carried away, missed the turn, and went more than 1 km.  Diverted through a pretty village but paid the price in going back against the wind!  Then various twists and turns; visited a beautiful church, and got into heavy wind against again to another campsite.  This time we took a cabin, which is warm and we are making it extra fuggy.

We are making our way up the West side of the Jutland peninsular.  We are about half way up the Danish bit of it.  It has a wild beauty about it, as the place (one supposes) the Jutes came from too pillage etc poor little England, well there is this wild side to the place.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Xenia, Ohio, USA. Our mutual friend, Stanley Bird has put me on to your trip and Blog. Perhaps he has mentioned my wife, Aven, and me to you. We did the End-to-End in 1999 and other cycle tours in the UK since then. I'm afraid our touring days are now over but we vicariously enjoy hearing of the misery and joy of others in their long-distance touring.
    Having spent a good deal of this morning catching up on your back posts, I look forward to reading your entries on a current basis in the future.
    Brad Miter
