We are following the North Sea Cycle Route. At the same time we are raising money for the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Assocation. If you would like to donate please visit our fundraising page

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walking, honey and friends

Sometimes when you are pushing your bike uphill and everyone cycles past you with apparent ease, you wonder if you should actually be doing this ride. But then walking gives you time to admire the view and see other things. Like the notice outside a house for honey. She said she only had a pot of last year's honey and couldn't sell that. we said we had no objection to last year's honey and were happy to buy it. She gave it to us but wouldn't take the money. It is delicious.

Then we were pushing up the hill when we met the very kind lady who lent us her house for the night and gave us a wonderful evening of chat. It was good to be back in 'normal' surroundings, rather than a tent or hotel, not to mention a bath a washing machine. So perhaps walking is also a good thing.

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